Saturday, January 23, 2016

Creating thumbnails for remote videos

You have some video files stored on some remote storage (dropbox, google drive) and you want to create thumbnails without downloading the whole file.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Configuring ssh keys for git access on Ubuntu

To be able to connect to a git repository with ssh access (ssh://) use the following steps:
  • copy your private key file to ~/.ssh
  • create (if it doesn't exist) the file ~/.ssh/config and add the following content:
    User my_username
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my_private_key_file
  • change the permissions to the private key file:
chmod 400 ~/.ssh/my_private_key_file
Now you can clone your repository.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Migrating a svn repository to git

I realize there are a ton of articles about migrating from svn to git, but this is mostly a note so I don't forget the steps. My situation is a bit particular since I need to import an svn folder to git.